Sunday, December 30, 2007

We're Animals about Cooking!

Last week Steve got to go to Hogle Zoo with Chef Todd Leonards culinary class. I'm sure there was a good reason for it and I'm sure it had nothing to do with wanting extremely fresh exotic meats.

This is Chef Todd Leonard, CEC.
This is Todds class hiding in a cave. There are a lot of scarey wild animals to hide from at the zoo.

It was such a traumatic experience, they needed a group hug.

This photo is of a rare species called Tellingasneakysecret-o-saurus.

Don't ask what Todd is doing here. Steve even told him where the public restrooms were.

Nice shot of the, um, giraffe.

Keep this little critter in mind when you view the last photo...

Man, these people really like each other!

I hope they washed their hands (and head) before preparing the food.
One of Todds creations.

Remember the cute critter in the photo above?

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Chris & Tiffany

A couple weeks ago we met up with Chris & Tiffany to learn more about them and get to know their personalities. We had a great time walking around Temple Square and the Joseph Smith Memorial Building talking and laughing. Oh! and took some engagement shots. Here are a few of our favorites:

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Neir + Neha

On November 3rd we had the pleasure of taking Neir and Neha's photos at their reception. It was an amazing event. Definately one of our favorites. Everyone was ready and willing to get their photo taken and everyone was having a good time. Its wonderful to see love celebrated! Here are just a few photos. I'll post more in the next couple of days, so be sure to check back.

Family Photos in the Fall

In November we took some family portraits of Kenny & Linda and their girls. They have a huge backyard with trees and leaves everywhere... it was perfect for portraits in the fall. They were such a fun family to spend time with and take photos of. The whole family has beautiful smiles and it wasn't hard to capture the fun spirit everyone had at the photo session. It was great. Here are some favorites...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

We're getting framed

Look! Our townhome is getting framed! It's coming along and we're getting so excited we can't stand it.

Spiral Jetty

A few weekends ago we drove out to the Spiral Jetty with a couple of fabulous people - Stacy and April. Stacy is also a photographer (one of the best) and has been going out there for a few years. Its one of her favorite places. It was obvious why when we got there. The sun was setting, adding pink to the sky. It was very surreal. We couldn't decide if it felt like we were at the North Pole or on another planet. Here are a few of the photos Steve took while we were there.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fabulous Fall

During the first weekend of October, Steve & I drove up Little Cottonwood Canyon to look at the beautiful fall foliage. We got an early snow storm a couple of days before and it really made for a breathtaking view. The canyon was a little crowded. There were skiers and boarders jonesin' for their first ride as well as leaf lookers like us. It was hard to find places to pull over to take photos, so some of the photos below were taken out of our car window while we were driving... I know, real professional, right? Anyway, I think the photos are great and just had to share some of them...

I love the snow on top of the yellow leaves.

Does this look like Fruity Pebbles to anyone else?

Once again... Fruity Pebbles...

I like the greens, yellows, reds, and snow all in one photo.

This is one of my favorites...

We saw this lonely mountain goat as we were leaving the canyon... what a nice treat to see!